Missions Opportunities

There are Baptist Student Unions on most campuses in Mississippi. We love Jesus & want others to have that opportunity as well.

Because of that we pool resources to run a BSU Summer Missions program that is really great. You can read more information about it here. Our very own Brianna Lowrey served as a BSU Summer Missionary the summer of 2022 at Mission Arlington, Texas. Brianna was asked, “If a friend asked you why they should consider serving as a student missionary, what would you tell them?

I would tell them that being able to be the hands and feet of Jesus is so rewarding in the fact that you learn so much about the attributes of God and the work he is doing in the lives of others and your own. It helped me increase my faith and boldness tremendously and it is one of those things that you don’t leave the same as you were entering into the trip. God has so much planned for me and all of his children and being able to see those plans and growth follow through in the lives of those around me is so amazing.

Brianna Lowrey, 2022 Summer Missionary